American Red Cross Lifeguard Training & Recertification
The American Red Cross blended learning format combines in-person skill sessions with online simulation to enhance the training experience.
The purpose of the American Red Cross Lifeguarding course is to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatic emergencies and to provide care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries, and sudden illnesses until emergency medical services personnel take over. The candidate must be 15 years old by the last day of class.
Our student to instructor ratio for the skills portion of the class is generally 1 instructor to 6 students. The industry standard is 1 to 10. We find the extra input from quality, focused, and caring instructors makes a tremendous difference in learning.
Lifeguard training prerequisites:
To participate in the course, student must be able to pass prerequisite skills evaluation that includes the following:

Swim-tread-swim sequence

Tread water for 2 minutes

timed brick event
Prerequisite 1: Swim-Tread-Swim Sequence (150/50 yards)
Prerequisite 2: Timed Event, 1 minute and 40 second to complete, no goggles.
If the student has not recently engaged in an activity geared towards increasing swimming endurance, or has not received formal swimming instruction, it is strongly advised that they participate in lifeguard training preparation classes.
Important Information
Please read carefully and make your class selection accordingly:
Complete printable form and mail in with check.
Mail-in Registration Form
Lifeguard Training: $520
Lifeguard Training
Re-certification: $385
(($325 if certified with us previously. Contact us for more details.)
Pace University, Goldstein Fitness Center
861 Bedford Road
Pleasantville, New York
Scuba New York
2037 Central Park Avenue
Yonkers, New York
Register Now
Answer: The American Red Cross no longer allows students to renew with an expired certificate. Plan ahead and be sure to start looking for a class at least 3 months prior to expiration.
Answer: The lifeguard certificate is good for two years.
Answer: CPR/AED for Lifeguards is valid for one year only in New York.